Thursday 25 August 2016

Angel voice for today

Angel voice for today(TM)-Channeled message from Archangel Gabriel says that, you are protected by a higher power that also wants to help you.If the path seems blocked,there is a good cause.Take this as DIVINE intervention, a sign from above,and wait.When the time is right,all flows with ease.The energies have been intense for some time now throwing us off balance,just remember it was a major release.It is important to be gentle with yourself at this time of change.We are closing a chapter in our life and about to open a new,fresh one now.It is on the horizon.Welcome it!Do you know how much joy the ANGEL,gains from being able to give you?When you delight in what you receive, when you openly embrace a gift and are so happy with it,the ANGEL is fully received by you.In this joyful communion between you and life,energy flows flows more freely and magic happens.Are you ready to receive?
Visualise in your mind's eye or chant angelic number 416 to get angelc,help to improve your present condition in life,and keep you feeling positive for better and conducive outcome.
Healing energy message-Charging the sub conscious mind-Energetic boost,replenishment. Power surge,Recharging your energy,self love.Lightening bolts.Incoming light codes from beyond.Help getting to the next step.
Crystal vibes-Jasper Red-Using this crystal will help you heal your past and move to your next level with love and joy..Soul mentoring-I express myself from the heart,love surrounds me and protects me ,here and now forever more.
Eternal Love and light-Mitali Banerji.
Do visit and like my page on face book-Angel voice for today (tm) by Mitali Banerji 

Saturday 13 August 2016

Angel voice for today

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Angel voice for today

Posted on August 14, 2016Edit"Angel voice for today"

Angel voice for today(TM)-Channeled message from Archangel Gabriel, the angel says that,a pool of suppressed emotions lies trapped within you, and it is time for you to release them.Allow your feelings and emotions to surface.You are safe,it’s ok,for you to open your heart and be vulnerable. This is a time for healing old wounds.This healing process is a blessing for betterment and not a curse.Clear away any negativity around you.Detoxify your thoughts by becoming more positive and optimistic. The angel gives a special message that you cannot miss what you are destined for nor will you gain anything by trying to push yourself.Trust the life cycles within,and you will feel the perfect balance between effort and surrender,discipline and letting go.Life is a rhythm go with it.When the rhythm of play beats in your heart,your needs will be met in harmony with your own rhythms.All that you will miss out on by trusting this is anxiety. What you will gain is peace.Are you ready to your own rhythms?
Visualise in your mind’s eye or chant angelic number 312 to assure you that ANGELS are helping you stay positive and filled with faith,which are two key qualities that allow the ANGELS to fully answer your prayers.
Healing energy message-Tree of life-Focus on life,balance.Wisdom and simplicity.Birthing of the new.Connect to Mother Earth.Free flowing.Sacral and root chakras healing.Everything is coming together now.Have faith and trust.ANGELS are providing you the support.

Crystal vibes-Calcite-Usind this crystal will help you increase your awareness and energy levels at this hour of transformation.Soul mentoring- The glory and blessings of God always flows through me here and now forever more.
Eternal Love and light-Mitali Banerji.
Do visit and like my page on face book-Angel voice for today ™ by Mitali Banerji 

Author: angelvoice4all

transformational life coach,healer,writer,speaker ,teacher,spiritual healer and counselor.VIEW ALL POSTS

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Wednesday 10 August 2016

Yusra mardini

How tough is your journey? A year ago, 17 year old Yusra Mardini was stuck in a broken down dinghy with 20 other Syrian refugees between Turkey and Greece.

Facing death like so many who had failed to make the trip, she and her sister jumped in the water and swam the boat all the way to land, saving everyone on board (almost all who couldn’t swim).

The story could end there but - incredibly - today Yusra will be representing no country, with no flag and no National Anthem, when she enters the Olympic Stadium to compete as an Olympic Athlete as part of the very first Olympic Refugee Squad.

If you lost everything - your home, your family, your country… Would you quit on life? Would you lay low and rebuild? Or would you - like Yusra - go all in and make a stand for your greatness?

In 2012, Yusra’s family home was destroyed in the Daraya Massacre, when Assad’s forces killed hundreds of his own citizens in their homes.

For the next three years, Yusra and her family tried to return to normality, but school was cancelled practically every week “or someone is shooting, and then you have to run.”

So Yusra and her sister made a bid to escape - getting smuggled to the Turkish coast to board a dinghy heading to Greece. As Mardini remembers, “There were 200, 300 people there, everyone waiting until there are no police in the sea so they can go.”

Yusra’s crowded dingy’s engine died within 20 minutes of leaving.

Only four in the boat could swim, but the two men who jumped in with Yusra and her sister soon gave up. Yusra says “I’m thinking, what? I’m a swimmer, and I’m going to die in the water in the end?”

So it was up to the two girls to keep going for the next three and a half hours: “The little kid kept looking at me, scared, so I was doing all these funny faces.”

They made it to Lesbos, then were smuggled through Serbia to Hungary, Austria and finally, Germany - where she spent the winter queueing for days at a time to get asylum papers.

So how did she end up at the Olympics? Yusra says “I remember everything… I never forget. But it’s the thing that’s pushing me actually to do more and more. Crying in the corner, that’s just not me.”

She continued her passion for swimming, and joined a local swimming club in Berlin, where her talent was seen by the National Team and IOC. She decided to make a bid for the Olympics despite having no country to compete for, and qualified for the 100m Freestyle & 100m Butterfly.

Now - one year after her swim across the Aegean Sea -  Yusra is competing in the Rio Olympics as part of 10 athletes in the very first Refugee Olympic Team.

She will be in the Stadium tonight, for the opening ceremony, saying “I want to show everyone that, after the pain, after the storm, comes calm days. I want to inspire them to do something good in their lives.”

However tough things get, remember it’s the tough times that make you tougher.

So when you’ve got the option to sink or swim, keep on swimming.

Pierre de Coubertin, who founded the modern Olympics, said about the Games: "The important thing in life is not the triumph, but the struggle.”

Yusra adds to that: “My message at these Games: Never give up."

Saturday 6 August 2016

Angel voice for today

Angel voice for today(TM)-Channeled message from Archangel Michael,,the angel,says that it's time to step into your power and create an enchanted world.It can be if you want it to be,for just as the oak tree is hidden in its seed so too the God/Goddess is hidden within you.Reason devoid of feeling is simply harsh judgement so listen to your heart also and move beyond boundaries that you have placed around yourself.Protect your health by acknowleding the changes in your body.This is a time of profound changes at all levels of your being.Stay positive and proactive.Set your goals and intentions clear and have faith it is coming to fruition.
Visualise in your mind's eye or chant angelic number 561to help you in your new positive outlook with respect to your home and work life as it is changing everything for the better.
Healing energy message-New Life-New ideas growing.Nurture your dreams to bring them into reality.Focus,nourishment, Life.Look.Pay attention. Support.Balance.

Crystal vibes-Azurite-Using this crystal will empower you to believe in yourself,for you have the ability to manifest and materialise your dreams.Soul mentoring- I have the power and free will to create my own happiness here and now ,forever more
Eternal Love and light-Mitali Banerji.
Do visit and like my page on face book-Angel voice for today (tm) by Mitali Banerji 

Thursday 4 August 2016

fairy lightworker program

Fairy Light worker distance program

Fairies are magickal beings that are multidimensional. They can move in and through the physical realm. We live in the 3rd dimension, the physical realm. But in reality, everything we see, hear, touch, taste, and smell are only illusions?these perceptions are how we communicate the information we receive in the physical realm to our true spiritual selves. We are energy. Everything is energy and nothing is truly solid. The Fairies know this, and are able to merge with the things that appear to be solid in the physical realm. Their energies are lighter and their knowledge of quantum physics, allows them to move in and out of different dimensions, which all co-exist at the same time in the same space.

You do not have to know or understand quantum physics to know that Fairies do exist, and that we rarely ever see them with our physical eyes. We sense them, feel their presence, and very often can communicate with them psychically through telepathy or visions.

The Fairy Light Worker Program will connect you to all Fairies, if you wish to call on them for assistance. However, this System strengthens and connects you to specific Fairies and their so that you will be able to call on them easily for assistance with healing, abundance, magick, guidance, protection, fertility, transformation, transition, strength, love, happiness, and beauty. Please keep in mind that you do have to receive any attunement to work with Fairies,  the Fairy Light Worker Program does speed your ascension for working in the Otherworld of the Fairies, and strengthens and enhances your abilities to connect and work with the Fairies and their energies.

You will learn about the Following Fairies, and ways to work with them, and which Fairies to call on for assistance with specific areas of need:

Woodland Nymph
Star Fairy
Stone Fairy
Ice Fairy
Water Sprite
River Queen-Coventina
There are 11 attunements for the Fairy Light Worker Program, one for each of the above mentioned plus manuals.

Energies are sent via real time, meaning you and I will work out a date and time that works best for you to receive the energies. I will email you one certificate of completion of the program once you have received all attunements. Inbox me for details and energy exchange.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Soul level

Soul Level -
We have travelled through many lifetimes and lived with many different souls amid family, friends or those who don't really get along with us. Some may have even tried to harm us emotionally, physically or spiritually.
All said and done, we all are the same and belong to only one group that is SOULS.
We all have travelled together in different lifetimes and have shared various relationships with each other; Father-mother, husband-wife, uncle-aunt, brother-sister, friends, neighbours, servants, drivers and even so-called enemies.
Each person is a Soul that tries to help the other move forward spiritually and reduce the Karmic baggage.
Sometimes the Soul that loves us the most, might willingly take birth as an enemy or a tormentor in a lifetime, just to help us work out our karma. Thus, a person who we think hates us and we in return  hate might be our greatest well-wisher spiritually. He or She may be responsible for our becoming spiritual or compassionate. That very person who is creating hell in our lives may bring us closer to God and spirituality. In the present lifetime, he/she may be doing so because that could be the only way to teach us a lesson.
Sometimes, a Soul is reborn just to comfort us and be there in times of need. So, who is our friend and who is our enemy?
They all are part of the Soul-Family who wants to help us and want help in return. Sometimes an opportunity comes in the form of a Disaster. Sometimes, the only way God can find place in our hearts and lives is thru pain, sorrow and turmoil. That is when Life seems strange.
Hence, never form judgements, abuse or hate and never say nasty things about anyone.
Who knows we may be harming the Soul who loves us the most spiritually but are not able to recognize it as the soul is wearing a different body in this particular lifetime.
Think about it !!!

Monday 1 August 2016

Angel voice for today by Mitali

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Angel voice for today

Posted on August 2, 2016Edit"Angel voice for today"

Angel voice for today(TM)-Channeled message from Arch angel Sandaphon,the angel says that a new phase begins and brings with it new opportunities. This is a lucky and prosperous time where much that previously seemed impossible now is possible.Doors preciously closed now open.Your world is full of light!.The angel guides us to make a new decision and not to worry about the repercussions it will have,stop thinking so as to what others will think about it.Do not waste time in idle thinking,it will not brighten your path either?Move ahead with divine grace from here on. Visualise in your mind’s eye or chant angelic number 228 to make you trust that new opportunities are answers to your prayers,walk through the doors that are opening for you and accept offers of help.
. Healing energy message-Observation of mind games-Changes,cycles,growth.Stretching into newness.Stepping out of comfort zone rebirth,Connection,perception,make a mental note,what exactly going on in your mind?.Crystal vibes-Amazonite-Your current confusion and frustration are a result of emotional instability which has caused you to see things from an imbalanced perspective,using this crystal will bring about restoring the balance and peace in your heart.Soul mentoring- I accept that everything happens in divine order for my highest good here and now forever more.

Eternal Love and light-Mitali Banerji.

Do visit and like my page on face book-Angel voice for today ™ by Mitali Banerji 


Author: Mitali Banerji

transformational life coach,healer,writer,speaker ,teacher,spiritual healer and counselor.VIEW ALL POSTS